The Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission’s community representatives and co-chairs are supported by relevant, ex-officio, public authority representatives and experts who attend meetings by invitation only. They are not members of the Memorial Commission and do not have voting or decision-making rights. The named public authority representative can also delegate to a relevant person in their organisation where this is appropriate.
The public authority representatives are:
- the council (the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea), as planning authority: Sue Harris
- the Greater London Authority: Ayesha Hameed (previously Jeanette Bain-Burnett)
- the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), as current guardian of the Grenfell Tower site: Peter Taylor
- Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust: Robyn Doran
DLUHC also provides secretariat support for the Memorial Commission. Junior employees from public authorities are not named publicly. Senior employees, such as senior civil servants, are named in all the minutes where they have attended meetings to support.
The Memorial Commission also consults experts with experience and knowledge that are of benefit to our work, and we invite them to attend meetings on an ex-officio basis. These include:
- community engagement organisation, Kaizen
- design advisor, Stephanie Edwards
- representatives from other memorials, such as Aberfan
- the inner west London senior coroner, Dr Fiona Wilcox.
As the Memorial Commission’s work towards a memorial progresses, we are also looking to work with independent conservation, communications and technical support experts and will publish details about these once they are in place.
For more information please see our minutes.